Home On Call CRM Dashboard

Main Goal

They needed a CRM Dashboard that could include a lead management tab, email/text campaign creation, and a review page dashboard. For this task I had to create something sleek and simple to use for different companies that would manage their clients, specially because of the amount of data.

Problems & Issues

One of the main issues for this CRM project was the amount of client’s data that companies would have. They could have around 500 clients and this included phone numbers, emails and names which makes the task of organization a hustle for the user.


The main solution for our main problem of large data was pagination. We encountered after some usability tests that infinite scrolling wasn’t a good way of managing too many clients and it would often get chaotic when changing the sorting order (by name or phone number or by service provided). By creating an interface that could give the option to sort by 20, 100 and 500 customer we realized it was much easier for users to get to the clients they wanted.

Different problems-thoughts-solutions

For every tab, the organization had to be different considering the different types of information. For the email/text campaign creation we designed a very generic and easy to use interface of an email editor that could later be adapted to a much sophisticated tool. The colors used were very minimal and the only accent color was the brand’s green with light grays and white space.

The Main and biggest Challenge

By not having CRM dashboard design experience at first it was overwhelming but very motivating at the same time to encounter such a challenge. At first, since I wanted to create this in a very sleek and classic way I started prototyping on Figma right away, after the first 10 minutes I decided to go the old fashion way and grab a piece of paper and draft my plan of action there to later start creating low fidelity wireframes to check where things were going to go. Because the amount of data was going to be too much I decided from the beginning to come up with names, emails and phone numbers so I could see how white space would look at the beginning. I didn’t want something cluttered so I was specifically searching for a way to make the CRM look polished but attaining the main goal of displaying 500 names in a way that was possible and easy. Because of my coding background I have an idea of what can be done and what takes too much time or if it is completely talking about unicorns. Hence why I decided to add data right from the start.