Freedom Mortgage

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1.Customer Reviews
2.Thank You Page
3.Home Value Estimator

Overall UX UI Design role

During my tenure at Freedom Mortgage, I spearheaded the redesign and development of customer-facing tools within the .com platform, prioritizing seamless user experiences. This involved the integration of responsive design principles to ensure optimal performance across various devices. Operating within an Agile framework, we conducted iterative cycles of development in one-month sprints, fostering close collaboration among cross-functional teams comprising product managers, developers, and marketing specialists. Our toolkit included industry-standard software such as InVision, Sketch, Confluence, and Jira, enabling efficient communication and project management. Within our UX team, which boasted a collective expertise spanning various domains including back office operations, .com platform enhancement (the area of my focus), mobile application design, design system management, and user research, we fostered a collaborative environment conducive to innovation and excellence.

1.Customer Reviews

In the main page at Freedom Mortgage there was a Customer Reviews module that only displayed 5 stars from Freedom Mortgage only reviews.

Problem & Goals

The primary challenge we encountered was the perceived lack of credibility we conveyed to potential clients. With all reviews consistently rated at 5 stars and exclusively sourced from our own website, there arose a need to establish trust through reputable third-party platforms such as Credit Karma or NerdWallet to showcase our ratings from their user base. Our objective was to craft a module aligning with the visual patterns of our website while incorporating distinctive colors and assets sourced from an external partner, namely NerdWallet. Additionally, we aimed to present a more authentic rating system that instills greater confidence and trustworthiness among our users.

Exploratory Research and Wireframes

In conducting our exploratory research, our aim was to gauge the level of trust our customers placed in the provided scores. Additionally, we sought to gather insights through targeted inquiries to discern how we could enhance the customer reviews module effectively. Key exploratory questions included soliciting feedback on the current module, assessing trust levels towards external vendors (specifically Credit Karma or NerdWallet), and probing opinions regarding the significance of 5-star ratings, among other pertinent considerations. This approach enabled us to gather valuable insights essential for refining our customer reviews module to better meet user expectations and foster enhanced trustworthiness.


Mid Fidelity


Final Design


Mobile version


2.Thank You Page Re-Design

Problems & Goals

The existing thank you page featured a design aesthetic that didn't align with the preferences of the new demographic and failed to maintain consistency with the Freedom Mortgage's overall brand identity.

The goal was to redesign the thank you page with a focus on simplifying the user journey, ensuring that both new and old clients can easily navigate the content and access relevant information without unnecessary friction.Also updating the visual design of the page to appeal to the aesthetic preferences of the new demographic while maintaining brand consistency. This involved using contemporary design elements, typography, and imagery.


Some Challenges include striking the right balance between catering to the preferences and needs of the new demographic while still resonating with veteran clients can be challenging. Ensuring that the redesign appeals to both groups without alienating either requires careful consideration of design elements, messaging, and user experience.

Incorporating the lender's brand identity into the redesign in a cohesive and consistent manner can be challenging, especially when attempting to appeal to a different demographic. Ensuring that the new design aligns with the established brand while also refreshing it to appeal to the target audience requires thoughtful execution.


Old Thank You page


Final Design


3.Home Value Estimator





